Your Aged Care Update # 38

Notable dates

Webinar: Quarterly Financial Reporting. What’s changed
5 October 2023

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Quality Indicator reporting now open
1 October 2023

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Webinar: Aged Care Data and Digital Strategy
For workforce and the sector- 24 October 2023

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In this issue

    Sector News

    Aged care reporting due soon

    A series of reports on aged care provider operations and finances are due over the next month.

    Due 31 October 2023

    Provider Operations
    Residential and home care providers must submit Provider Operations information through the Collection Form on the Government Provider Management System (GPMS).
     Financial Reporting

    • Approved providers must submit an Aged Care Financial Report (ACFR) through Forms Administration.

    • Non-government providers must also submit an audited General Purpose Financial Statement (GPFS).

    • An Annual Prudential Compliance Statement (APCS) and audit option is required if, at any point during the reported financial year, a provider held:

      • refundable deposits

      • accommodation bonds

      • entry contributions.

    Due 4 November 2023

    Quarterly Financial Report
    Quarter 1 2023-24 reports are due through Forms Administration.

    Webinar: Hiring mature aged workforce - investing in experience

    The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations is hosting the webinar Mature Age Workforce: Investing in Experience.

    When: Wednesday 11 October, 1:00 pm (AEDT)

    Hear from industry experts and employer guest speakers about how age diversity can bring experience to your business and improve productivity. Learn practical recruitment strategies and the benefits of tapping into the mature age talent pool.

    This webinar is part of the series Hiring Outside the Box! which focuses on the benefits of exploring new pools of talent and hiring a diverse and inclusive team.

    Register for this webinar now.

    Free diversity program for aged care providers

    We are funding a program delivered by the Older Persons’ Advocacy Network (OPAN) to help aged care providers identify diverse communities who are not accessing aged care services and provide practical assistance to meet their needs.

    This free national diversity program includes:

    • two face-to-face workshops

    • an online session

    • access to a Community of Practice.

    Participation will help providers identify strategies to deliver culturally safe, appropriate and inclusive care tailored to the needs of each older person.

    Workshops are currently rolling out across NSW. For more information and to register, visit the OPAN website.

    Webinar: Diversity of thought - a shared approach to leadership in aged care

    The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission is delivering the webinar: Diversity of thought: A shared approach to leadership in aged care.

    When: Wednesday 11 October 2023 12pm to 1pm (AEDT)

    This session will discuss:

    • how having representatives from diverse groups in an organisation’s leadership team cultivates innovation and consumer-centred care that considers each individual’s background and circumstances

    • ways that governing bodies can foster diverse leadership to strengthen their organisation.

    Enrol in the Governing for Reform in Aged Care Program to register for this free webinar.

    Webinar: End of life and palliative care - what you need to know

    The Swinburne Wellbeing Clinic for Older Adults will hold a free webinar on dispelling the misconceptions of palliative care.  End of life and palliative care: what you need to know.

    When: Friday 13 October, 4:45pm to 6:00pm (AEDT)

    This webinar is for people employed in aged care, as well as psychologists, social workers, counsellors and volunteers who work with older adults. This presentation includes clinical examples of manifestations of trauma in delirium and the impact of trauma on older people.

    Social worker Jo Wood and palliative medicine specialist Clinical Professor Leeroy William will highlight the role of palliative care and showcase new service delivery models for Australia.   

    Find out more and register for the webinar.

    In-home care

    Care minutes targets are now mandatory

    Care minutes targets for residential aged care homes became mandatory on 1 October 2023.

    Targets for the October – December 2023 quarter are based on residents that were in care from June to August 2023. Care minutes targets will be updated quarterly.

    Providers can see their service-level care minutes targets in the My Aged Care service and support portal.

    A list of service-level care minutes targets is also available on the department’s website.
    For the latest information see:

    24/7 registered nurse reporting for September 2023 due now

    24/7 registered nurse (RN) reporting for the month of September is due through the Government Provider Management System (GPMS) by Saturday 7 October 2023.

    Providers that fail to report:

    • may be referred to the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission

    • will not receive any 24/7 RN supplement for September (if eligible)

    • will be recorded as not having completed their 24/7 RN reporting responsibility in the report published on our website.

    24/7 RN coverage reported in August:

    For reporting extensions, email These will only be granted under exceptional circumstances, such as major IT system issues or a situation of emergency.

    Webinar: How to connect older people with smart technology

    Vision Australia is delivering the webinar: How to connect older people with smart technology, for Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) providers.
    When: Monday 16 October, 11:30am (AEDT)

    Hundreds of Vision Australia CHSP recipients use Echo Dot to access information and remain connected to friends and family.

    This webinar will include:

    • how the Echo Dot pilot project has been scaled into a national program

    • examples of how Echo Dot has enhanced older people’s social participation and independence

    • what participants have to say

    • challenges and advice on connecting older people with smart technologies

    • practical advice on introducing this technology to your clients.

    Register for this webinar now

    If you’re unable to join, another session will be held in November. Further details to come.

    Any questions? Email

    Residential care

    Care minutes targets are now mandatory

    Care minutes targets for residential aged care homes became mandatory on 1 October 2023.

    Targets for the October – December 2023 quarter are based on residents that were in care from June to August 2023. Care minutes targets will be updated quarterly.

    Providers can see their service-level care minutes targets in the My Aged Care service and support portal.

    A list of service-level care minutes targets is also available on the department’s website.
    For the latest information see:

    24/7 registered nurse reporting for September 2023 due now

    24/7 registered nurse (RN) reporting for the month of September is due through the Government Provider Management System (GPMS) by Saturday 7 October 2023.

    Providers that fail to report:

    • may be referred to the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission

    • will not receive any 24/7 RN supplement for September (if eligible)

    • will be recorded as not having completed their 24/7 RN reporting responsibility in the report published on our website.

    24/7 RN coverage reported in August:

    For reporting extensions, email These will only be granted under exceptional circumstances, such as major IT system issues or a situation of emergency.

    Webinar: Improving quality in residential aged care

    We are hosting a webinar to help residential aged care providers identify ways to improve quality outcomes in their aged care homes.

    When:  Thursday 2 November, 2pm to 3pm (AEDT)

    This webinar will be a practical session where we’ll share:

    • what is quality improvement and why does it matter

    • how Star Ratings and the QI Program can be used as tools for quality improvement

    • making our resources work for you

    • what’s working in the sector: practical examples from residential aged care homes

    • hot topics: addressing common feedback

    • live question and answer session.

    Register to attend the webinar now.

    You can also submit questions for the ‘hot topics’ and ‘question and answer’ sessions.

    A recording of the webinar will be shared on our website.


    Your Aged Care Update # 39


    Aged Care Quality Bulletin #57 - September 2023