Your Aged Care Update # 21/24

Notable dates

Consultation: Improving aged care for
First Nations people

Closes 21 June

Have your say

In this issue

    News about the reforms

    Draft new Aged Care Act consultation – feedback report released

    Feedback and submissions from our recent draft new Aged Care Act consultation are now available. We:

    • received 320 submissions and 800 surveys

    • heard from 10,000 people at our webinars, workshops and roundtables.

    Some of the most common matters raised were:

    • the time available to implement the new Act

    • how people’s rights will be upheld

    • how supported decision-making, whistleblower protections and the new definition of high-quality care will work in practice

    • the proposed new due diligence duty on board members and responsible people

    • the Complaints Commissioner’s independence.

    Your feedback is informing the final Bill, which will be introduced to Parliament.

    Subject to parliamentary processes, the new Act will commence on 1 July 2025 to align with the launch of the new Support at Home program.

    The consultation feedback report and submissions are now available. 

    Recommendations to support the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission

    The 32 recommendations of the final report of the Independent Capability Review of the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission have been accepted by government.

    The review, led by Mr David Tune AO PSM, suggested a number of ways to improve the Commission’s capability.

    These include:

    • a new organisational structure

    • increased data capability and ICT infrastructure

    • improved complaint resolution processes

    • enhanced role and independence of the Aged Care Quality and Safety Advisory Council.

    A Steering Committee made up of senior-level officials has been working to prioritise and support delivery of these recommendations.

    It’s essential the sector has a fit-for-purpose regulator so older people can receive the best possible care.

    Visit Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission capability review for more information.

    Take part in the latest sector pulse survey

    The Aged Care Sector Pulse Survey is an opportunity for you to give feedback on the implementation of aged care reforms.

    We want to hear from aged care providers and people working in the aged care sector – tell us how the changes are affecting you.

    Take the online survey now. It will take around 15 minutes. All responses are anonymous.

    The survey closes on 14 June.

    Your feedback will help us provide better support as the changes to aged care continue to rollout. This re-designed survey includes the opportunity for you to request specific support from the department.

    The survey is run twice a year, with the newly designed questions allowing us to better action the feedback we receive from the sector.

    Sector news

    Expansion of the National Sign Language Program

    From 1 July 2024 the National Sign Language Program (NSLP) will include sign language interpreting and captioning services for health and medical appointments.

    This is in addition to support already provided to Deaf people to engage with aged care services and other professional and social activities. This might include banking, attending weddings, funerals, clubs and cultural events.

    Deaf Connect will deliver all services under the expanded program free of charge.

    The Continuity of Support for the National Auslan Interpreting Booking and Payment Service program (CoS for NABS) will end on 30 June 2024. All services will be provided through the NSLP for people over 65 who are not eligible for the NDIS.

    Find out more about the NSLP and the transfer of CoS for NABS.

    Watch recordings from the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission’s National Conference

    In April around 2000 people attended the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commissions’ National conference, both in person and online.

    Residential and home care providers came together to discuss upcoming reforms, including:

    • the new Aged Care Act

    • a new regulatory framework

    • strengthened Aged Care Quality standards – what to expect and how to be ready

    • provider registration unpacked – registration and renewal.

    You can now access the session recordings and presentations.

    In-home care

    Financial declarations for CHSP providers due soon

    Reminder to Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) providers that your 2023-24 financial declaration statement is due by 31 August 2024.

    We will only give extensions in exceptional circumstances.

    Your financial declaration statement must:

    • use the correct form

    • be true and accurate

    • only include acquittal of 2023-24 CHSP funds and any unspent funds approved from the previous financial year.

    For more information, contact your Funding Arrangement Manager in the Community Grants Hub.


    Webinar: Neuropsychological aspects of dementia

    Join Swinburne University’s Wellbeing Clinic for Older Adults for a webinar on the neuropsychological symptoms of dementia.  

    This webinar is for people working in aged care, as well as psychologists, social workers, counsellors and volunteers who work with older people.

    When: Friday 14 June, 4:45 pm to 6:00 pm (AEST).

    Register now.

    Visit Webinar Schedule 2024 for more information.


    Your Aged Care Update # 22/24


    Aged Care Quality Bulletin #65 - May 2024