Your Aged Care Update # 20/24

In this issue

    News about the reforms

    Tell us what you think about Star Ratings

    We are evaluating Star Ratings to see what’s working and where we can make improvements to benefit the sector and older people.  
    Providers, workers, peak bodies and others involved in aged care are invited to have their say. 
    Visit the Aged Care Engagement Hub to participate. Feedback closes 19 June 2024
    You can provide feedback by completing an online survey and/or written submission. Read the consultation paper for further information on Star Ratings and the evaluation. 
    The evaluation is being undertaken by an independent researcher. All information will be kept anonymous and confidential.  
    For questions or assistance, email:

    Provider preview of finance and operations information

    In February 2024, we published provider finance and operations information for the first time on the My Aged Care 'Find a Provider' tool. 
    We will be updating this information shortly based on what providers reported in the last Quarterly Financial Report.  
    Providers can preview the information through the Government Provider Management System (GPMS) until 7 June.  
    If information is not displaying correctly, email
    More about publishing of aged care provider finance and operations information.  

    Sector news

    Webinar: Helping assessors understand blindness and low vision

    Vision Australia is holding a webinar for Regional Assessment Service and Aged Care Assessment Teams. 
    The webinar will discuss the impacts of blindness and low vision. It will help train assessors to discuss appropriate supports with vision-impaired clients when completing assessments.  

    When: Wednesday 5 June, 12 pm to 1 pm (AEST) 
    Learn about:  

    • common eye conditions and their impact

    • how vision loss effects daily living  

    • strategies, aids and equipment for people with blindness or low vision  

    • selecting the right service types when referring vision impaired clients. 

    Register now

    Residential care

    New model pack for care time reporting assessments

    The model pack shows you how to correctly present information that will be requested during a care time reporting assessment.  
    Accurate reporting improves the quality of aged care data and helps ensure providers receive the correct amount of funding.  
    Visit the care time reporting assessments webpage to learn more and download the model pack.  
    For more information email:

    Grant opportunity - Specialist Dementia Care Program

    Applications are open for a targeted competitive grant opportunity for the Specialist Dementia Care Program. A total of 35 specialist units will be set up in Primary Health Network regions.

    This program provides care for people with very severe behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia who can’t be cared for by mainstream aged care services.

    Eligible aged care providers in the following regions are encouraged to apply.

    • South Australia: Adelaide (Northern Adelaide Local Health District region)

    • New South Wales: Northern Sydney

    • Victoria: Eastern Melbourne

    Applications close Thursday 25 July, 2 pm (AEST)

    Go to GrantConnect (GO5304) for information, including eligibility requirements.

    Changes to publication of room pricing on My Aged Care

    On 1 July 2024 the way you enter room pricing information on My Aged Care Service and Support portal will change.

    These changes will improve room pricing information published on My Aged Care.

    To advertise rooms priced over the maximum accommodation payment amount you will need to upload your refundable accommodation deposit (RAD) approval letters to the portal.

    Visit Changes to publication of room pricing on My Aged Care to learn more.

    In-home care

    Consultation: Quality indicators for in-home care

    We are expanding the National Aged Care Mandatory Quality Indicator Program to include in-home care. Public consultation is now open. 

    To have your say: 

    Quality indicators measure and monitor critical areas of care for older people. We are consulting to develop realistic and practical quality indicators for in-home aged care.  

    The new quality indicators will not start before 1 July 2025. They will only apply to providers under the new Support at Home program. 

    Read more about quality indicators for in-home aged care.

    Home Care Package providers: reporting Commonwealth unspent funds

    This is a reminder for Home Care Package (HCP) providers to report Commonwealth unspent funds. 

    Some approved HCP providers did not opt-in to return the Commonwealth portion of unspent funds between 1 September 2021 and 28 February 2022.
    These providers still hold both Commonwealth and care recipient unspent funds.  

    Approved HCP providers must track and accurately report unspent funds when making claims through Services Australia. 

    Learn more about managing unspent funds and reporting Commonwealth unspent amounts


    Complaints report from the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission

    The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission has released the latest 'Complaints about aged care home services – Insights for people receiving care report'.

    The report provides an overview of:

    • in-home services  

    • the Commission’s role  

    • the rights of people receiving aged care and what they can expect. 

    The report also explains how people can get help, raise concerns and how complaints are resolved.  It covers what to expect from both your aged care provider and the Commission. 

    Access the report Complaints about aged care home services – Insights for people receiving care.

    Webinar: Managing compassion fatigue for CHSP providers

    Vision Australia is holding a webinar for Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) providers. 

    The webinar will discuss the impact of compassion fatigue and proactive strategies for prevention and management. 
    When: Thursday 6 June, 12 pm to 1 pm (AEST) 

    Join the webinar to learn techniques to cultivate resilience, foster healthy boundaries and nurture wellbeing.  

    Register now


    Build your palliative care skills

    Build your skills and confidence to care for people at the end of their life. Free palliative care education and training is available to anyone who works in aged care.  
    We have a new communication toolkit for providers to encourage aged care workers to sign up for palliative care training. 
    The toolkit includes: posters, videos, brochures, wording for text message and social media. You can also order hard copy brochures and posters. 
    Download the communication toolkit now. 

    National Suicide Prevention for Seniors Program

    Would you know what to do if someone you support was experiencing thoughts of suicide? 

    Anglicare offers free suicide prevention training workshops. Here’s what Karen, a past course participant says:

    “I think the program was very useful and interesting. I loved the interactive parts as this kept everyone engaged and interested.” 
    Karen, Residential Aged Care, New Auckland Place

    This free 3 hour online course equips those who support older people with the knowledge to help prevent suicide. Learn to see the signs of suicide, have a conversation and refer the person to professional support. 

    You will learn to see the signs of suicide, have a conversation and refer the person to professional support. 

    If you are interested, email or visit suicide prevention for seniors on the Anglicare website.


    Aged Care Quality Bulletin #65 - May 2024


    Your Aged Care Update # 19/24