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New Aged Care Act Roundtable – Rural Victoria

Managers, senior leaders & governing body members of rural Victorian CHSP-funded providers are invited to represent your organisation at one of our roundtables. 

We’ll unpack the proposed new Aged Care Act & facilitate discussion aimed at supporting your understanding of the direct impacts of the Act on CHSP-funded organisations.

Why is this event important?

For the first time, all CHSP providers will fall under the Aged Care Act. It’s critically important for leaders & governing body members to understand the changes, potential impacts & readiness activities.

The roundtable aims to assist CHSP providers in understanding the changes. It also gives you the opportunity to contribute to the development of the Act through a submission paper.

At the roundtable, we will:

▶︎ Present a summary of the proposed changes in the Act and the specific impacts for CHSP providers.

▶︎ Facilitate breakout sessions where we’ll capture your views + identify implications & risks.

Submission Paper

Following the roundtable, a submission will be drafted. We'll send you a copy. Your organisation can use this draft to undertake a joint or individual submission to the Department of Health and Aged Care. This gives you a voice in the department's consultation process. 

Who’s it for

Managers, senior leaders & governing body members of rural Victorian CHSP-funded organisations.


25 January, 10 am - 12:30 pm


Microsoft Teams

Facilitated by

Enkindle Consulting

Presented by

The SSD Connect Alliance, Eastern SSD Partnership, Bayside City Council SSD

24 January

New Aged Care Act Roundtable – Metro Melbourne

30 January

New Aged Care Act Roundtable – Metro Melbourne