Making the most of a learning experience – the learner

2 min read

Participating in a training program or learning experience is more than just attending a workshop or activity. To truly benefit, it requires commitment from the attendee, their direct supervisor and organisation.

Before the learning event

  • Read the training/workshop event details carefully as this provides key information about what you should expect the content to include, and the expected learning outcomes.

  • Identify learning activities that include content to match your learning and development needs now, or in the future.

  • Consider whether you fit the target audience. Is the date, time, venue or online platform accessible? Do you meet any prerequisites and assessment requirements?

  • Speak with your direct supervisor to discuss what you expect to get out of the learning activity.

  • Consider how you'll apply your learning back in the workplace.

  • Document your personal learning objectives and expected outcomes in a Personal Learning Action Plan.

On the day

  • Be open to explore new ideas, concepts and practices.

  • Ask questions to better understand how the learning applies to your work practice.

  • You'll get more out of the experience if you participate in discussions and role-plays.

  • Take handwritten notes. Writing by hand helps with memory.

After the learning event

  • Complete the post-event survey

  • Review and save your notes

  • Complete your Personal Learning Action Plan

  • Implement the action plan and enlist the support of your direct supervisor

  • Look for opportunities to apply, practice and reinforce your learning

  • Ask for feedback from your team leader and colleagues who are able to observe you demonstrating and applying new skills and knowledge in the workplace

  • Share your learning with colleagues at staff meetings or one-on-one.

Support from your organisation

Your organisation can support you to make the most of your learning by:

  • Supporting the creation of your Personal Learning Action Plan

  • Holding a debriefing/coaching session after the learning activity

  • Reviewing the progress of learning implementation regularly

  • Providing ongoing and practical support

  • Creating an environment that supports a learning culture.  


Making the most of a learning experience – the team leader


Personal Learning Action Plan Template